The 15 Best CSU Schools for Biology and Pre-Med Ranked

The 15 Best CSU Schools for Biology and Pre-Med Ranked

The best CSU schools for biology and pre-med include a handful of respected pre-med schools. Outside of those, you can absolutely get into medical school from a lesser-known Cal State school. However, a good MCAT score and GPA will be critical factors in your medical school application. The University of California schools are generally more…

Best UC Schools for Pre Med and Biology • The Top 9 Ranked

Best UC Schools for Pre Med and Biology • The Top 9 Ranked

The Best UC Schools for Pre Med and Biology Ranking the best UC schools for pre med and biology is a tough combination, as the quality of a school’s biology program and its medical school preparation are two different things. We’ll do our best to weigh both factors and provide plenty of details for each…

Best Colleges for Biology and Pre-Med in Florida • 3 Excellent Schools

Best Colleges for Biology and Pre-Med in Florida • 3 Excellent Schools

The best colleges for biology and pre-med in Florida include one public university known for its excellence in science programs, as well as a private liberal arts college that offers a more personal academic experience. Your local college may also be a good choice, as there are plenty of good options in a state known…

Best Colleges for Biology and Pre-Med in Texas • 4 Excellent Programs

Best Colleges for Biology and Pre-Med in Texas • 4 Excellent Programs

The best colleges for biology and pre-med in Texas include three private universities as well as one of the biggest state universities. Whether you’re preparing for medical school or pursuing another career path in biology, your undergraduate choice can make a big difference. In addition to the program’s reputation, one big thing to consider is…